In the early 1990s, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber created the Scrum method. in 2010 they wrote the first version of the Scrum Guide, so that the framework could be easily distributed worldwide. The guide is still regularly updated by its two creators. The Scrum Guide can be found here
Scrum Guide setup
The Scrum guide contains the definition of Scrum. Each element of the framework has a specific purpose that is essential to the overarching value and results achieved with Scrum. For this reason, the inventors emphasize that changes in the set-up or ideas of Scrum, the omission of certain elements or not following the Scrum rules only sweeps certain problems under the carpet and limits the benefits of Scrum or even makes it completely useless. On the other hand, they explain that the implementation of Scrum can differ enormously per company according to the correct train of thought and that terms such as ‘developer’ initially came from the software branch, but with the wider application of scrum, can also refer to researchers, designers, analysts, scientists and other specialists. Schwaber and Sutherland state that the principle is therefore; if you get value from Scrum, you can consider yourself included.
In addition to the goal and definition, the Scrum Guide contains a piece of theory (with what purpose was the framework designed) and the values (which logically show similarities with those of the Agile Manifesto). It also contains an explanation of the different roles, the types of events and the artifacts within Scrum.
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